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May top tips | sustainable eating


This month we will be talking about how to eat in a more environmentally way! Food is a very important part of many cultures, however unfortunately its production and transport can have consquences for the environment. So let's talk about how to aviod that.

1. Avoid palm oil

We've mentioned this before but basically palm oil is very bad for the environment and its production often violates human rights. Workers are paid far less than they should be and deforestation is almost always part of the process of producing palm oil. It isn't easy to avoid but it is possible. All you need to do is check the packaging. Often it says that it is 'responsibly sourced' or 'eco friendly'; that normally means that less harm is done but sadly, it sometimes means that the producers don't allow inspection.

2. Eat less meat

Eating animals is bad for the environment and bad for your health. For instance, cows produce methane which is a greenhouse gas. Also, breeding animals just to kill them is immoral. Meat production also requires a lot of space, which leads to deforestation of rainforests like the Amazon. These then need food, meaning even more land and water is wasted.

3. Grow your own food

Growing food at home is good in multiple ways.
For example:
  • Saves money - only buy once (seeds)
  • Saves journeys to and from shops - and saves petrol (and CO2)
  • Fun and enjoyable for the family - everyone can join in and have fun
  • Sustainable and a reliable source - regenerative and cheap
The only downside is that you need a garden or sunny room and that you can't go on holiday for too long without getting someone to water the plants.

4. Eat what is in season

By only eating what is locally in season you avoid long transport distances and artificially produced fruit which is no where near as tasty.

5. Reduce food waste

When you waste food, you are not only using up resources that others desperately need, you're also wasting the time and effort put into transporting and producing that food. In the United States alone, roughly 30-40 percent of the total food supply is thrown away.

6. Compost your food waste

If you have to waste food then at least compost it because when you compost food it is good for a number of animals including worms, hedgehogs and plants since it improves the structure of the soil and provides nutrients.

7. Buy fewer processed foods

Processed food doesn't contain the same health benefits as naturally sourced foods and although it stops you from feeling hungry it isn't good for you in the long run. Also, the process of producing processed food has negative effects for the natural world.

8. Cook more at home

Often, food cooked at home is more nutritious than food bought at a restaurant since you can make sure you only use sustainable products and you know exactly what is going into what you eat. Also, it can be fun to make food together as a family and is satisfying to eat something you have made yourself.

9. Bring your own containers

When out and about, bringing your own reusable containers can reduce the amount of plastic waste that you throw away. These containers can be used multiple times so there is no need to buy new every time (also reducing money)

10. Say no to straws

By now this is commonly known, but by bringing your own reusable straw, you can help stop this plastic from reaching the ocean where they can harm the wildlife living there.

So there you have it, 10 simple ways to help the environment while still enjoying your meal!

Your Green World Blog TeamšŸ’š


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