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July Top Tips | 3 up-cycling ideas

Hi Everyone!

For July, we will be sharing 3 up-cycling ideas that you can easily try at home to save money, and the planet at the same time! Thank you so much for joining us today and let's get into it!

1. Fabric off cuts to gift wrap!

So you've just finished making a new cushion for your lounge or sewing a bag, and you have fabric left over. These small pieces of fabric still may have a purpose one day, so you fold them up neatly and place them in a drawer, just in case. But the time never comes and the same offcuts have been in the drawer for years. Why don't you use it as gift wrap?
Wrapping paper is a problem environmentally so using fabric is a win-win! And it can look fantastic! If your offcuts are too small, why don't you sew them together and make a patchwork-style version? And the best thing is that it can be reused again and again!

2. Jars

There are so many things that you can do with jars. Probably one of the easiest options is to put a small candle or light bulb inside. You can also decorate the outside of the jar. This is always very pretty when the light shines through. However, there are many other ideas out there, for instance using a larger jar as a plant pot or using smaller jars as storage for spices. I personally use jam jars to store pens.
The reason that jars are so good for upcycling is that they are unlikely to break (unless you drop them) and very easy to clean.

3. Toilet Paper rolls

Similar to jars, there is so much you can do with toilet paper rolls! Here are a few of my favourite ideas!
Pen pot - my sister made me a pen pot with a toilet roll covered in pretty tape. It works really well!
Phone holder - another one that I have! Just cut an opening in the tube that fits your phone and cover it in patterned tapes for a pretty phone holder!
Advent Calendar - I know Christmas feels like a long way away yet but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to include this! Last year we made a stack of 24 toilet rolls, covered them in the green paper (plus a few in brown) and stacked them in a pyramid shape to make a Christmas tree. We printed off circles with numbers on them and used them as flaps for each day and hid chocolate in each roll. It was really effective and a fun project!

You may have noticed that our posting schedule has been slightly irregular for the last two months. We have now decided to post every Saturday. So, see you next week!

Your Green World Blog TeamšŸ’š

Title image: This image is owned by a blog editor.
Phone holder: This image is owned by a blog editor.


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