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Why Didn't People Act Sooner On The Climate Crisis?

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to Green World, where today I wanted to talk about why people didn't act sooner about the climate crisis, when we have known about this issue for decades. I asked myself this too, and it wasn't until I read the chapter about it in Greta Thunberg's book that I started to understand the reasons behind why action was not taken sooner, and why this crisis has been allowed to escalate as far as it has.
As someone who has only been on the planet for 14 years, a part of me does resent people around long before I was for not having acted on an issue that they knew would continue to affect people around the world. They knew it was not an issue that would go away, so why didn't they act, when it was easier to do so? Changing our now very ingrained habits is so difficult, whereas fifty years ago, ways of life could have been more easily influenced.
Well, there are a few reasons why action was not taken to combat climate change sooner.

1. Fossil Fuel companies

Unfortunately, people were lied to. Fossil fuel companies, let's face it, wanted money, and everyone suddenly no longer wanting to use their business anymore would have been just a little inconvenient. They took tactics from the tobacco industry, in convincing people that they were not in the wrong, that the science is uncertain, and so much more. This was done through advertisements, campaigns and misrepresentation of evidence. They funded research to deflect from the issue, told people they needed to manage their personal carbon footprint and even questioned the credibility of climate scientists.
They fed into and influenced politicians and ultimately the public, creating a warped view of this crisis, and delaying action being taken and decisions being made.

2. Infrastructure and renewables

Fifty years ago we just didn't have the infrastructure and renewable energy technologies to sustain a fossil fuel free life. They could have been fazed out but the solar, wind, geothermal, biofuel and other renewable technologies were not as advanced and developed. Transitioning to renewables is much easier now that these technologies are at their best yet.

3. The science wasn't AS advanced

The science was there. But we didn't have the last however many years of evidence that this issue is real and it is happening now, today. The science is complicated, and most people probably don't really understand it, but now, thanks to many campaigns, educational documentaries and books, more people have a basic understanding of what is happening, and therefore a basic understanding of the extent of it.

4. Climate change is affecting people now

It isn't a thing of the future anymore, and maybe that's why we are beginning to wake up. Maybe that's why we are beginning to take action. People today are feeling the effects of climate change, people today are feeling the effects of rising sea levels, of more extreme natural disasters and the extent of wildfires. People are living through this now. And I'm in a very privileged position where I can say that so far, climate change has not affected my life in any major way. But there are so many people, especially in developing countries who are feeling the effects of climate change today.
We don't want to be the next generation not to act. We don't want to be the ones who failed to turn it round. This is our only chance to fight climate change, on both a personal and community level. Through managing our own choices to protesting, this is an issue that we can find solutions to, and one which we can continue to fight. Let's be the generation who ACT.

Your Green World Blog Team💚

p.s. thank you so much for all of your support recently - it's been incredible!!

The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg

This image is owned by a blog editor


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