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Showing posts from September, 2022

Green Pets: meet two new additions to my house plant family

Hi Everyone! This is a bit of a shorter post today but I have two new house plants! I love my new green pets so today I wanted to share them with you! >Neither of them have names yet so any suggestions welcome and appreciated :) Pilea: I love my new Pilea! My mum has one and managed to grow another from it and gave it to me. I also put it in a pot which originally had my Aloe Vera in it, but it grew too big! Anyway, I'm so glad my Pilea could find a home in it! I love the way this plant looks and it makes me very happy to look at!  I actually don't know the name of the second one - I will insert it when I have found it!  I got this one from my aunt in France who has one and made a cutting for me. I'm not sure if it'll survive but we'll see - it's certainly well-travelled! I'm not giving up hope yet and even if it doesn't make it she said she could cut me a new one! I will update on this ...

The Amazon Rainforest series-part 4: The diligent population checker: The killer fungus

Hi everyone, Today we have a very special post for you. This is our very first guest blogging post. Casandra Chikanele has written an amazing post about the Amazon rainforest. This post is therefore the 4th part in the  Amazon rainforest series. Enjoy! Your Green World Team💚 The Amazon rainforest is a diverse and wildlife intense site. Home to thousands of species of animals, insects, reptiles, and all living forms including plants and microbial entities. 1/3 of all species live in this cradle of life. About 2.5 million species of ants, one thousand three hundred species of birds, four hundred and thirty species of mammals, and many more. This environment houses quite a numerous amount of living things, predators and prey, families, and bachelors. A place with such a diverse ecosystem, where new offspring is constantly brought forth. Some species reproduce in little numbers, while others reproduce in hundreds or thousands every few ...

Sustainable Hobbies: Making my own 't-shirt yarn'

Hi everyone! Alongside my passion for caring for our environment and the world around us, a lesser-known fact about me is that I am also obsessed with both knitting and crocheting, and can almost always be found sitting in the corner with my latest project and a ball of yarn. Both of these crafts are naturally pretty sustainable, so long as you buy your materials from reliable sources. However, these yarns and wools are often at the higher end of the price spectrum, and it is often tempting to reach for the cheaper options, where you get a lot more for what you pay, especially if you are on a budget. But they aren't very sustainable and often contain a lot of unnatural dyes and chemicals. This creates a bit of a problem, when if like me, you want to do what has had as little as possible impact on nature, but can't really afford to be constantly buying them. I had heard about making t-shirt yarn a few times before but had never tri...

September Top Tips | recycling

Hi everyone, Today we are going to be talking about recycling. Recycling is quite big thing in the media, with some critics saying that it doesn't help. But I would say that even though it isn't going to save the world, it will make a small difference and probably save you some money! So here are some recycling ideas (although depending on your personal situation it might be up cycling or down cycling): An old t-shirt turned into an apron An old t-shirt turned into a cushion Tin cans turned into plant pots Tin cans turned into pencil holders Plastic bottles or clear plastic tubes turned into bird feeders An old handbag turned into a picnic basket Lotion, shampoo and conditions bottles turned into storage A shoebox turned into a make up organiser Old t-shirts turned into a baby blanket Plastic spoons turned into mirror decorations Bike parts into a lamp shade An old piano turned ...