This is our 100th post and to celebrate, we have decided to present you with
100 absolutely random facts about animals. Enjoy!
- The loudest animal in the world is a 2cm long prawn, the pistol shrimp.
- Hummingbirds are the only birds that are known to fly backwards.
- One bite from the world's most powerful snake can kill 100 people, the inland taipan.
- Mosquitoes kill 725 000 people a year making them the most dangerous animals in the world.
- The mayfly has the shortest known lifespan in the world, only 24 hours.
- The horned lizard can shot blood from its own eyes.
- Koalas can sleep for 22 hours a day.
- Swifts can fly for almost an entire year without landing.
- Garden snails have 14 000 teeth.
- The tongue of the blue whale weighs as much as a car.
- Baby elephants suck their trunks in the same way that baby humans suck their thumbs.
- The giant pacific octopus has 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood.
- Howler monkey calls can be heard 3 miles (5 km) away.
- Polar bears have black skin underneath their white fur.
- Great white sharks can detect one drop of blood in 100 litres of water.
- Only 5% of cheetahs cubs survive to become adults.
- Japanese macaques play with snowballs for fun.
- Koala's fingerprints are almost identical to humans.
- The box jellyfish is the most venomous marine creature in the world.
- Many albatrosses are lesbians.
- A shoebill stork can swallow a baby crocodile whole.
- Lungfish are the only fish that have lungs and gills.
- Electric eels are not eels.
- Elephants mourn the dead.
- Gorillas can dismantle poachers' traps.
- Orangoutangs are the heaviest tree dwellers.
- Wood frogs spend 7 months frozen.
- Parrots are selfless.
- Dragonflies make a heart while mating.
- Penguins propose to each other with pebbles.
- Male seahorses give birth rather than the females.
- Female lions do 90% of the hunting.
- Pigeons can do maths.
- Squirrels plant thousands of trees.
- Sperm whales in the Caribbean have an accent.
- Some sharks glow in the dark.
- Sloths can take a whole month digest one leaf.
- A group of owls is called a parliament.
- Butterflies taste with their feet.
- Giraffes only hum at night.
- Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
- Octopus taste with their arms.
- Squirrels adopt orphans.
- Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
- Elephants are almost immune to cancer.
- Sloths can swim 3 times faster than they can move on land.
- Only one half of a whales brain sleeps at once.
- Kangaroos can't walk backwards.
- Some sharks can't breath if they're not swimming.
- Peacock is male, peahen is female and peafowl is both.
- The platypus swims with its eyes closed.
- The, now extinct, colossus penguin could hold its breath for 40 minutes.
- Out of 1 200 bat species, only two can walk on the ground.
- Hippos can run faster than humans.
- Reindeers eyes turn blue in winter.
- The stonefish's venom will stop a human heart.
- Snakes don't have eyelids and therefore can't close their eyes.
- Pandas are smaller than mice when they are born.
- Female mice can reproduce when they are two months old.
- A narwal horn is actually inside out tooth.
- Puffins use twigs to scratch their bodies.
- Some snails have shell hairs.
- Baby Tasmanian devils make life long friendship.
- Ducks can surf.
- Slow lorises are the only venomous primates.
- Zebra stripes are a natural bug repellent.
- Frogs can freeze without dying.
- Male horses have more teeth than females.
- A group of ferrets is called a business.
- Dolphins have names.
- Giraffes have purple/black tongues.
- Otters have the world's thickest fur.
- Snow leopards don't roar.
- A group of rhinos is called a clash.
- Moths experience love at first sight.
- Worms can jump.
- Crocodiles can live up to 100 years.
- Rats laugh.
- Tigers' skin is striped.
- Wombat poop is cube-shaped.
- Prehistoric crocodiles could gallop.
- Giraffes have the same amount of bones in their necks as humans: 7.
- You don't get female and male earthworms - all earthworms have both reproductive organs.
- Hippos are related to whales and dolphins.
- A chameleon's tongue is at least at long as its body.
- Eagles' eyesight is at least 4 times better than humans'.
- While hovering, hummingbirds beat their wings 200 times per second.
- Nine banded armadillos give birth to 4 identical babies.
- A Galapagos giant tortoise weighs the same as a brown bear.
- The first part of a tawny owl call comes from the female, the second part from the male.
- One type of bat eats 1 200 insects an hour.
- No two tigers have the same stripes.
- A newborn Chinese water deer is so small that you can hold it in the palm of your hand.
- Wild lions only make around 20 kills a year.
- Some male songbirds sing more than 2 000 times each day.
- A tarantula can survive 2 years without food.
- An elephant tooth can weigh 9 pounds (4 kg).
- Ants never sleep.
- When born, kangaroos are the same size as a queen bee.
- A woodpecker can peck up to 20 times a second.
We hope you enjoyed this post and learnt some new facts.
Your Green World Blog Teamš
Polar bear cubs:
This image, owned by Alaska Region U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (on flickr.com),
is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Snow leopard: This image, owned by
Nathan Rupert (on flickr.com), is
licensed under
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
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